Account means your account with us.
Authorised User means you and any person you have authorised to operate your Account.
Misdirected Payment means an NPP Payment erroneously credited to the wrong account because of an error in relation to the recording of the PayID or associated account information in the PayID service.
Mistaken Payment means an NPP Payment, made by a payer who is a 'user' for the
purposes of the ePayments Code, which is erroneously credited to the wrong account
because of the payer's error.
NPP means the New Payments Platform operated by NPP Australia Limited.
NPP Payments means payments cleared and settled via the NPP.
PayID means the identifier you choose to use to receive NPP Payments.
PayID Name means the name we give you or the name selected by you (with our approval) to identify you to Payers when your PayID is used to make an NPP Payment.
PayID service means the central payment addressing service which is available for addressing NPP Payments.
PayID Type means the type of identifier you select for receiving NPP Payments, which may be your telephone number, mobile number, email address, Australian company number, Australian business number or Organisation ID.
Privacy Law means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and regulations made under the Act.
We, us and our means The Mac (Macarthur Credit Union Ltd).
You and your means a person who, at the time a PayID service is provided, is an individual or a business organisation that is our customer.
PayID Terms of Use
Making and receiving NPP Payments using PayID
1.1 The PayID service is the NPP Payment addressing service that enables individuals or businesses to make NPP Payments to you using an alternative identifier instead of Account details.
1.2 Before you can create your PayID to receive NPP Payments into your Account, you have to satisfy us that you either own or are authorised to use your chosen PayID and you have an eligible Account. For details of eligible accounts go to
1.3 Whether you choose to create a PayID for your Account or not, you and each Authorised User, may use a payee's PayID to make particular types of NPP Payments to the payee from your Account provided that:
a) we and the payee's financial institution support the NPP Payment service;
b) the payee's account is able to receive the particular NPP Payment; and
c) the PayID is not locked.
1.4 For terms of:
a) how PayID may be used for particular NPP Payment services, your obligations to input correct PayID details and to check the payee’s PayID Name before sending an NPP Payment see; and
b) your rights in relations to the investigation and recovery of Mistaken Payments, Misdirected Payments and unauthorised (including fraudulent) NPP Payments, go to and review ePayments section of the Conditions of Use document.
Choosing a PayID and PayID Name
1.5 You can review the full list of PayID Types we support at We may update this list from time to time.
1.6 You may create a PayID as long as it is a supported PayID Type. Some PayID types, for example ABN’s are restricted to business customers and organisations. Only eligible customers will be able to create a PayID that is a restricted PayID Type.
1. 7 You must satisfy us that you own or are authorised to use your chosen PayID before you can use it to receive NPP Payments. This means we may ask you to provide evidence to establish this to our satisfaction, whether you are already registered for any other mobile or online banking or online payment services with us or not.
1.8 Depending on the policy of a payer's financial institution, your PayID Name may be displayed to payers who send NPP Payments to you. At the same time you create your PayID, we will either enable you to:
(a) confirm your selection of a PayID Name for display to payers; or
(b) select an alternative PayID Name, such as your business name, for display.
1.9 We will not permit selection of a PayID Name that is likely to mislead or deceive a payer into sending you NPP Payments intended for another payee, or which for any reason is inappropriate.
Creating your PayID
1.10 You can create a PayID for receiving NPP Payments at We will not create a PayID for you without your prior consent.
1.11 You may choose to create more than one PayID for your Account.
1.12 If your Account is a joint account, you and each other joint account holder can create a unique PayID for the Account.
1.13 If you have Authorised Users on your Account, each Authorised User may create a unique PayID for the Account.
1.14 Once a PayID is created and linked to your Account, it may not be used in relation to any other account with us or with any other financial institution. See clause 1.17 and 1.19 for details on transferring PayIDs.
1.15 The PayID service does not support duplicate PayIDs. If you try to create a PayID for your Account which is identical to another PayID in the service, you will see the following message Unable to Register PayID. You can contact The Mac to discuss duplicate PayIDs on 1300 622 278. We cannot disclose details of any personal information in connection with duplicate PayIDs.
Transferring your PayID to another Account
1.16 You can transfer your PayID to another account with us, or to an account with another financial institution by contacting us on 1300 622 278.
1.17 A transfer of your PayID to another account with us will generally be effective
immediately, unless we notify you otherwise.
1.18 A transfer of your PayID to another financial institution is a two-step process
initiated by you and completed by that financial institution. First, ask us to put your PayID into a transfer state and then complete the transfer via your new financial institution. Until the transfer is completed, NPP Payments to your PayID will be directed to your Account with us. If the other financial institution does not complete the transfer within 14 days, the transfer will be deemed to be ineffective and your PayID will remain with your Account. You can request transfer of your PayID at any time.
1.19 A PayID which we have temporarily disabled cannot be transferred: see clause 1.24.
Note: Transferring a PayID to another financial institution will cause payments under any PayTo Agreement linked to that PayID to fail unless you also transfer the Payment Agreement; see our Account & Access Facility Terms and Conditions of Use.
Transferring your PayID from another Financial Institution to your Account
1.20 To transfer a PayID that you created for an account with another financial institution to your Account with us, you will need to start the process with that financial institution.
Note: If the PayID is linked to a PayTo Agreement, the Payment Agreement will not automatically transfer with the PayID. You will need to take additional steps if you wish to transfer the Payment Agreement to your account with us: see our Account & Access Facility Terms and Conditions of Use.
Closing a PayID
1.21 To close your PayID, go to
1.22 You must notify us immediately if you no longer own or have authority to use your PayID.
Note: Closing a PayID will cause payments under any PayTo Payment Agreement linked to that PayID to fail unless you also transfer the Payment Agreement: see our Account & Access Facility Terms and Conditions of Use.
Locking and Unlocking a PayID
1.23 We monitor PayID use to manage PayID misuse and fraud. You acknowledge and
consent to us locking your PayID if we reasonably suspect misuse of your PayID or use of your PayID to procure NPP Payments fraudulently.
1.24 To unlock a locked PayID please contact The Mac on 1300 622 278.
NPP Payments
1.25 We will ensure that your PayID and Account details are accurately recorded in the
PayID service.
1.26 By creating your PayID you acknowledge that you authorise:
a) us to record your PayID, PayID Name and Account details (including full legal account name) (PayID Record) in the PayID service;
b) NPP Participants which are payers’ financial institutions to use your PayID information for the purpose of constructing NPP payment messages, enabling payers to make NPP Payments to you, and to disclose your PayID Name to payers for NPP Payment validation.
To the extent that the creation and use of the PayID Record constitutes a disclosure, storage and use of your personal information within the meaning of the Privacy Law, you acknowledge and agree that you consent to that disclosure, storage and use.