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PayTo is an easy way to authorise and control payments from your bank account. A couple of examples are; a digital alternative to direct debit, and allowing you to pay directly from your bank account where you previously needed a card (like for in-app purchases and online shopping).
A business or merchant will set up a 'PayTo Agreement' with you. This is where you authorise how much, and when, you will pay for goods and services. It could be for a one-off, ad-hoc or recurring payment.
The PayTo agreement will appear in your online banking for your authorisation. Once you have authorised the agreement, the business can debit your account according to the terms that you have agreed to. Note, agreements are not currently accessible through The Mac App.
It is important to ensure you use your Alternate Reference Number alongside our BSB (802-388). This is the number that begins with '1000'. You can find this number under Additional Services > Account BSB Details on The Mac App or Accounts > BSB Number Information on Online Banking. Alternatively, you can use your PayID (find out more about PayID here).
A PayTo agreement is a payment agreement between you and a merchant or business where you agree how much and when you will pay them for goods and services. It could be a one-off payment, ad-hoc or recurring payment.
Any PayTo agreements you make are available in your Online Banking under the Payments tab. PayTo agreements are not currently available on The Mac App.
A PayTo agreement should contain the details about how much and when you agree for your account to be debited for goods and/or services.
It is important to check that it contains the correct name of the merchant or business, the amount of the agreement (including any maximum or cap amounts) and the specific payment terms.
You can choose to decline the agreement. It is important that you speak to the business or merchant if you do decline as you may still have other contractual obligations that need to be met.
PayTo is a safe way to use your bank account for payments because a PayTo agreement must first be authorised within your Online Banking before any payments can be made. This means it is subject to the same level of security as the rest of your banking relationship. Until the agreement has been authorised by you, a payment cannot be made from your account.
When a PayTo agreement is sent to your Online Banking for authorisation, you should check the details carefully and make sure it is in line with what you have agreed before authorising it.
Once a PayTo agreement is authorised, the business or merchant can only debit your account in accordance with the payment terms that you have agreed to.
PayTo may be used as a digital and more modern alternative to the current direct debit system. Some merchants and business may move their direct debits to PayTo to provide their customers a better experience with more visibility and control over their payments.
If you believe a payment has been taken outside the terms of your agreement you should contact the business or merchant that the agreement is with. If they are unable to resolve your issue, please contact our friendly team.
If you have a question about a specific PayTo agreement, you should first speak to the business or merchant the agreement is with. If they are unable to help, please contact our friendly team.
If you have a general query about PayTo, you can find more information on the PayTo website or by contacting our friendly team.