When things get tough, we get behind you.

The beauty about banking with a member owned institution like The Mac is that we focus on banking with heart; on being as friendly, helpful & supportive as we can to each individual's circumstances. If you're finding it difficult to keep up with your loan repayments or are falling on tough times, you may be able to apply for Hardship Assistance under the National Credit Code.

If illness, unemployment or another reasonable cause is impacting your ability to maintain your credit contract with us, you can apply to change the terms of your loan contact. We'll make a decision and if you're not happy with the outcome you can apply directly to the relevant court or tribunal in your State or Territory to change the terms of your contract.

Hardship Assistance can take the pressure off temporarily, but it's important to think about your ability to repay your loan over the long term. If you believe your financial position isn't going to improve significantly or you're not sure about being able to repay your loan, contact us. Ignoring the problem isn't helpful; by telling us we might be able to talk to you through your options, or offer you some time and flexibility to help you make a decision about what to do next.

If you answer yes to any of these questions please contact us. We would like to help if we can.

  • Have you lost your job?
  • Is your employment changing or do you know about a reduction in your income?
  • Are you suffering from illness or injury?
  • Are you going through a relationship breakdown or facing domestic problems?
  • Are you borrowing from friends and family just to manage?
  • Do you know about any changes in the future that will impact your ability to repay your loan?

Hardship Assistance can help see you through the really difficult times. Each situation and person is different, so Hardship Assistance differs on a case by case basis. We will work with you in a constructive way if you experience financial difficulty. We encourage you to be open and as realistic as you can about your financial position. In turn, our staff are trained to respond compassionately, whatever the situation.

What that we can help include:

  • Reducing your repayments
  • Extending the term of your loan
  • Offering you a ‘payment holiday’ where you don’t make repayments within an agreed timeframe
  • Offering you a debt consolidation to reduce your repayments
  • Offering you Mortgage Assistance
  • Help you with budget planning.

The first step is to contact us. We can talk through your options and will consider both short and long term solutions for your situation. We’re friendly, helpful & supportive.

You can apply for Hardship Assistance by contacting our Credit Control Team on 1300 622 278, 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively you can download a copy of our Hardship Assistance Application Form and return it to us with any relevant supporting documents by:






The Mac,
Attention: Credit Control
PO Box 121
Camden NSW 2570


Once we receive your application, our Credit Control team will contact you to acknowledge that we’ve received your application and introduce themselves. We will assess your application and contact you within 21 days with the options we believe will benefit you the most. Please contact the team at any time during the processing of your application.

While your application is being assessed, please continue to repay your loan as much as you can reasonably afford.

Hardship Assistance is available to ALL members of The Mac. We do our best to support each of our members when circumstances change.

This document provides a number of external services that you can reach out to for help: Hardship Assistance Services